7 days of Sneak Peeks Give Away: Day Two

Baby-Shower-Card-sneak-peekQuestion for Sneak Peek #2:

Q: What is your favorite childhood summer memory?

Here for info on how to play.

62 thoughts on “7 days of Sneak Peeks Give Away: Day Two

  1. My favorite childhood summer memory was going to the beach with my parents and sisters and having a wonderful lunch on the sand after a swim in the Pacific.


  2. Ohhhh, definitely those picnics at the lake! My Aunts & Uncles would come out, we would have traditional picnic baskets full of food, and the lake near our hometown was right there .. ready for cool splashing & swimming! Fabulous memories!

    :o) Bev


  3. Love this sneak peek! I just love baby things!
    My childhood memory of summer would have to be getting together with my family and cousins. Go fishing, camping, and just enjoying the outdoors. Thanks


  4. My favorite summer childhood memory was spending our vacation at my grandmother’s farm–all the animals and her wonderful baking/cooking and spending time with my cousins too.


  5. My childhood summers were spent joyfully visiting with my grandparents. She helped me to develop my creative crafty side. I have many fond memories of the extra time and love she shared when me teaching me how to knit!


  6. Family reunions. Gunny-sack races, picnics.


  7. My favorite childhood memory is all the neighborhood kids walking to the creek in our cutoff jeans to swim. The walking and talking was nearly as much fun as the swimming!


  8. I think it’s got to be going to the park and just spending ages on the swings. I still do it now when I can!


  9. Fondest childhood memory is the family baseball game…the 4 of us would play in the vacant lot next door, at least 1 time each summer…like a tradition…my Dad and I would always whoop my Mom and younger brother!


  10. Definitely summer vacation at grandma 😀
    /Tina F.


  11. would have to be going down to my grandfathers house near the beach and playing with my pots and pans he set aside for me in the sand…,


  12. Going to the pool nearly every day!


  13. Family vacations, definately. My Mom, brother and I would all pile into the car and Dad would drive us all over the US. It was always an adventure!


  14. Going to our swim club every day is my fondest memory. We didn’t have neighborhood pools back then … We’d go early in the morning with Dad and then Mom would join us in the afternoon.


  15. going fishing with my Dad is easily my favorite!


  16. Those special trips to Hershey Park. My parents wouldn”t tell us where we were going until we were there. What s surprise.


  17. I remember staying out WAY past dark with my cousins from Texas and playing on the swingset in the backyard. I couldn’t believe that we were up so late and not being called inside! It must have been 10:00 or better.


  18. Going to North Conway with my parents for one week each summer. My other and I would sit out on the porch for weeks prior to leaving just planning what outfits to bring.


  19. My favorite memory is sleeping out on the back porch.


  20. My favorite memory is waking up late after a sleepover at my friend’s house.


  21. My favorite childhood memory was when my dad took us “crawdadying”. It was so fun to catch them with liver on sticks.


  22. My favorite childhood summer memory is spending the entire summer at my Grandmother’s beach house… the land of sun & fun!


  23. Staying at the lake with Grandma. If you caught and cleaned the fish, she would cook them and she had a wonderful garden and raspberry bushes.


  24. My favorite memory is driving up to Lake Erie in the summer to spend the day at the beach with my parents, brother and sister. We always stopped at a little diner for our breakfast going there, packed a picnic lunch and then stopped again at the diner on the way home for dinner. Things were so simple back then.


  25. Going to the beach with my family for a week each summer-hunting shells, fishing, swimming, eating shrimp fresh from the sea.


  26. I used to love to go swimming and tubing on the lake with my dad on his boat.


  27. My favorite childhood summertime memory, was with my grandma “ging” out on her back patio. I would play in the pool, while she looked like a 50’s pinup girl and tanned. I would try and copy her by putting on sun tan lotion and big glasses! I miss those days!


  28. Looking back I’d have to say it would be the time my family got together and had a picnic behind my grandparent’s house. We had crabs and watermelon, and the kids went down by the river to chase the hermit crabs.
    Lazy long days spent surrounded by love.


  29. My fav childhood summer memory has to be the first time my parents let me go to the pool by myself on holiday, I think i must have been ten or eleven.

    The pool was only about 12 yards away from the apartment door, and my parents joined my with my two little sisters minutes later. I felt so grown up, proud and happy to be trusted.

    Hope I can let my boys enjoy that teeny bit of freedom and trust when they are old enough.


  30. It was riding my bike to my friends house, we would ride our bikes all over the place.


  31. I lived on a cul de sac in California, and all of us kids from the cul de sac would write and perform a 4th of July play for the parents. Sometimes it would be serious (the signing of the Declaration of Independence) or it would be silly (a puppet show called Dinky the Duck with a toilet cap as a prop). Those were such fun. Then we would have a BBQ and pool together the fireworks and have a show. Every year the pinwheel would fly off the tree it was nailed to and sail into the cul de sac. It was a blast!


  32. My favorite memory as a child was going to the gulf coast to go crabbing with my family.


  33. It would have to be after going to church, getting some take out and heading up to the mountains with my family. Colorado has some great little day get aways.


  34. I’d have to say staying at Grandma’s house in SCS w/her built in swimming pool, playing cards, & her delicious home cookin’.


  35. I seem to be on a theme here, but really it was cooking out. Hot dogs on the grill? Nothing better. Even now, my favorite meal.


  36. Nancy DeGilormo June 30, 2009 — 1:58 pm

    My favorite memory was VBS at our little church in the town we had our summer cottage at the lake. Kool aid tasted so good there!!!! I would sing all those songs all summer long and drive my siblings crazy. To this day 40+ years later I can still “smell and taste” that ice cold kool aid. Grape was my favorite flavor!!


  37. Between 6th and 7th grade my family took a 6 week tour of the midwest, pulling our little pop-up camper around behind our old chevy station wagon. There were lots of “icky” memories (hitting the deer, the camper leaking when it rained, the AC in the car only working on low) but there were lots of good memories too – – it was quite a fabulous experience.


  38. Sitting on the floor of my Grandparents’ home eating homegrown tomatoes while watching tv! I could eat til my hearts desire! Of course Grandma was canning in the kitchen.


  39. Harriet Skelly June 30, 2009 — 2:53 pm

    My favorite childhood summer memory is being at over night camp in the Pocono Mts in Pennsylvania! 8 weeks of fun!


  40. My favorite summer memory is going to my Grandmother’s.
    We always had the best time doing everything together.


  41. My favorite childhood memory was tubing down the river. It was sooo cold but really refreshing too. We’d spend hours in the water.


  42. I grew up outside of the US, so in the summers we would come home to visit and stay with grandparents. Two of my aunts were very creative and crafty, and I loved watching and helping them.


  43. We had a neighborhood full of kids. I remember playing baseball until dark in an empty field behind some of the houses. Lots of kids ranging from 5 up, enough to make to teams.


  44. My dad taking us out in his flat-bottom boat for a ride, then going to the local drive-in for ice cream. YUM-YUM!


  45. Beautiful baby set!!!!
    My favorite childhood memory is when, at the end of the school, I could go to the park and stay on the swing for hours, play all day with other children in front of my granfather’s restaurant, and eat ice-cream every day!!!!!!!


  46. we lived a block away from the schoolyard playground. twice a week in the summer, we would have arts and crafts at the playground…..making potholders, popsicle stick boxes, lanyards, etc! what fun that was!


  47. Visiting my Grandmother in Missouri, catching fire flies, swinging on her front porch swing and sleeping in her feathr bed! FUN-FUN-FUN! I think about it now and it is right up there next to stamping with Kitchen Sick!


  48. Riding my bike to the swimming pool and spending the day there. Now I prefer to not go swimming at all.

    thanks much


  49. My favorite memory is going on a different “expedition” every weekend with my mom, and sometimes dad. We would explore different state parks, sites, or just get in the car and drive some way we hadn’t gone before!


  50. My favorite memory is going to California to see my dad every summer. My dad always signed up in the Dodgers fan club. I was always decked out in Dodger clothing!!


  51. My dad worked for a company that gave their employees & families a free outing every summer at a local amusement park and we always looked forward to that! Roller coaster & amusment rides, picnic food, candy apples, family, friends and pure fun! AHhhh, I so miss those good times now!
    I can hardly wait to see the new releases! I’m excited:)


  52. Anita Champagne July 2, 2009 — 8:00 am

    Oh my, I just found this…WOW, how exciting does this look…my favorite childhood summer memory has to be going to my grandparents…climbing in trees, eating halfed sandwiches while sitting on the steps leading into the house, eating peeled apples, fresh peaches and watermellon…just being kids. Memories…aren’t they so refreshing…the good ‘ole days!!


  53. We used to live in a small town in Massachusetts. Every July 4th we’d go to the town lake for fireworks and go enjoy Greek pizza at thelittle restaraunt in the center of town afterwards. Such good memories. Thanks for the chance to win!


  54. Setting up the tent in our backyard for “camping”.


  55. My favorite summer childhood memory was going on Sunday drives with my parents – we never knew where we would end up, but it was always fun


  56. Going to church camp every summer was always the big highlight of the summer for me. Making new friends was always fun!!!


  57. Nelda Deakins July 2, 2009 — 7:14 pm

    Going to Beech Lake with my Dad & Mom! Wonderful!


  58. As a young child, i think it was just playing outside & running through sprinklers with friends. As a teen it was hanging out with NO SCHOOL! Sleepovers, sleeping in, going to the pool & trying to be ‘cool’! LOL!


  59. Visiting my uncle and aunt in Munich Germany. My brother and I looked forward to that every year.


  60. My favorite childhood summer memory is going to Idaho and visiting my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It was such a different life than we had in the city–loved it!


  61. My girlfriend and I sneaked away to play in a nearby stream instead of picking strawberries (to earn money). The day was extremely hot and it just seemed that goofing off was a better choice on how to spend our afternoon. What a wonderful cherished memory—we had so much fun and it felt so good to be splashing around in the water without a care in the world.


  62. Catching fireflies was almost magical to me when I was a child.


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